September 2024


If you are interested in joining Ibex, we hope to see you during the Annual Introduction Days this summer! We will be on the sports day (18 August) and the info market (21 August). Note that the day of the info market is also the last day you can apply!

Application and selection

The applications for September 2024 will open on Friday 9 August 2024 and the deadline is on Wednesday 22 August 2024. During that period, you can find a link to the application form here. Please check the important dates below and the requirements at the bottom of this page before filling out the application form!

Due to a strong increase in interest in the climbing sport, Ibex cannot accept all applications. This means that we will probably have to make a selection.

Important dates

The table below shows the important dates of the upcoming introduction period (as far as we know so far). This is not a complete overview of everything Ibex organises. The course dates will be available under introduction course below, you can find the subscription for the intro weekends on the events page and you can find the schedule with all activities on the schedule page. However, both of these require you to log in, so you need to finalise your subscription before you can access them.

What Date (time) Place
Applications open: Fri 9 Aug application form
AID sports day: Sun 18 Aug (13:00-16:00) Bongerd
AID info market: Wed 21 Aug (13:00-16:00) Campus
Application deadline: Thu 22 Aug (23:59) -
Selection deadline: Mon 26 Aug (23:59) -
First intro training: Tues 3 Sept (19:00-20:00) Bongerd, blue rack
Subscription evening: Wed 4 Sept (?) Forum
Introduction activity: Sun 8 Sept (12:00-17:00) -
Intro training: Tues 10 Sept (19:00-20:00) Bongerd, blue rack
Intro training: Tues 17 Sept (19:00-20:00) Bongerd, blue rack
Intro training: Tues 24 Sept (19:00-20:00) Bongerd, blue rack
  • Selection deadline: We will let you know whether you have been selected or not before this deadline. If you haven’t heard from us by that time, please let us know (email:, because something may have gone wrong with your application.
  • Subscription evening: You need to finalize your subscription at this evening by showing us that you meet the requirements (see below) so we can register all new members at once. If you really can't be there, please contact the board to discuss your options (email:

Indoor Toprope course

In September, we provide our own IT course for new members who don't have a valid IT certificate yet (see membership). In this course, you learn the skills required to safely climb indoor toprope. The course is taught in the climbing gym of Spots Centre de Bongerd and takes four weeks, including the exam, with an option for a resit in the fifth week.

Group 1: Wednesday early

11 September (18:00-20:00)
18 September (18:00-20:00)
25 September (18:00-20:00)
2 October (18:00-20:00)

Group 2: Wednesday late

11 September (20:30-22:30)
18 September (20:30-22:30)
25 September (20:30-22:30)
2 October (20:30-22:30)

Group 3: Thursday early

12 September (18:00-20:00)
19 September (18:00-20:00)
26 September (18:00-20:00)
3 October (18:00-20:00)

Group 4: Thursday late

12 September (20:30-22:30)
19 September (20:30-22:30)
26 September (20:30-22:30)
3 October (20:30-22:30)

Mentor groups

When you become a member you can be placed into a mentor group if you want. This is to help you meet other new members in your mentor group and to stimulate going to activities together. Of course there are also plenty of other opportunities to meet other members, both new and old, at the activities.


At the subscription evening, the board gives a talk with information about the association and provides help with meeting the requirements for membership. It is very important to be present during this evening so we can register all new members at once. If you really cannot be present, please contact the board to discuss your options (email:

What you need to do to become a member, is explained in more detail on the membership page. An overview of the 4 requirements is included below:

1. IT certificate

At the subscription evening, you need to get your IT certificate checked and approved, unless you are participating in the Ibex Indoor Toprope course.

Please make sure that you have a valid Dutch IT certificate before the subscription evening, or sign up for the Ibex Indoor Toprope course.

Note that our course has limited capacity, so we cannot guarantee that you can participate when you sign up.

2. Annual student sports rights

At the subscription evening, you need to get your annual student sports rights checked and approved. Be sure to bring your WUR card to the subscription evening!

Please purchase annual student sports rights before the subscription evening.

If you cannot manage to purchase annual student sports rights or get your WUR card with your WBA number in time, let us know by email what the problem is before the subscription evening.

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