During one week in Summer holidays Ibexers gather at the summer camping. This camping is annually organised by the Alpcie in a certain area in the Alps, where Ibexers can finish the academic year well by hiking, climbing or exercise alpinism together. The idea is that there will be a field reserved on a campsite in an area where there are numerous options to climb and mountaineer. Ibexers are free to join for the whole week as well as a few days. The most fun it is however to stay the entire week, because this is the best way to get to know new climbing partners and to form a good bond with each other. the week will be opened with a drink (borrel) and closed with an 'Alpine diner'.
The camping has a very free character: it will be left for you to decide on how long you will stay and with what activities you fill up the days. During the opening drink on the day of arrival you will easily get to know others (whom you might have already seen in Wageningen) with whom you can form a group for the next day to climb or plan alpine tour. The week and its activities will enroll themselves after this you will see and people will be open to envolve you in their plans. Furthermore cooking is not prearranged either: arrangements of dinner and groceries will be made on the spot, you can look at this as if you are cooking in your studenthouse for whoever is there and likes to join. If you subscribe for the summer campsite, you can take part in a Whattsapp group if you like. This way you know who else is coming, you can ask for advice and maybe already make some plans for hiking. If Covid-19 allows, the Alpcie will also arrange a gathering beforehand to get to know each other. It is important to realise that the Ibex Summer campsite isn't like a 'normal camp' where everything is prearranged; you will need to arrange your own transport (see the page Weekly Climbing), food, dayactivities, camping and climbing material etc. Of course you can always use your Ibex network to exchange materials and the Alpcie will provide information about the area when the times comes.
There has been an information evening about the Ibex summercampsite of 2021. You can watch it here.
Who can participate?
Every member of Ibex is welcome at our Summer campsite! The Alps offer endless opportunities, varying from hikes and hut tours to climbing trips and alpinism. It is not necessary to have a lot of experience or to have a prearranged group to go with. The campsite will be full of mountain-enthusiastic Ibexers: if you have a plan, you can discuss it with others (the evening before for example, during dinner) and join forces to have a nice and active day. Non-Ibexers are also welcome to a certain extent: It is more than okay to take one or two friends with you, but it is not the intention that entire groups of friends arrive at the camping.
Members of Ibex can borrow climbing and alpine material from our storage (also camping material). If you want to borrow something, send an email to our material commissioner (Marnix, wsacibex@gmail.com) Voor some materials you need to be skilled enough to use them: it can for example be asked that you have succesfully followed an OV or C1 course. For all the other requirements and rules, visit the page Practical Info -> materials on the Ibex website.
Mountaineering is a great sport and there is nothing better than to go out with fellow Ibexers in the Alps. But, the mountains can be very unpredictable and therefore dangerous. Be aware of the following when you are planning on joining: There are NO instructors present in the role they normally play on climbing weekends or courses, where they are responsible for your safety and wellbeing. Experienced Ibexers can be willing to take the less experienced on their tours. This is very nice, because Ibex is a place where we can learn from each other. But you cannot simply expect someone to guide you during the tour. You are always responsible for your own safety and for the planning of your own tours (for example with the help of mountain guides, books, huttenwirds, maps, the weather and whatever more). Furthermore you are also responsible for knowing your own limits, level and expertise (and for that of your climbing partners). We are recommending strongly to share your plans with each other and ask for advice before you are going and to let know where you are and when you expect to get back. The Alpcie will provide some tools to simplify this communication during the week. Furthermore take notice of the documents containing what to do in case of emergency (information will be on the site).
The dates and location of the Summer camping 2021 are not publically announced yet. The Alpcie tries to plan the camping so it follows up to the NSAC camping. This way you also get he change to show your face there and get to know other SACmembers.
Info and contact
We understand that you still have a lot of questions when you are not familiar yet with the phenomena of a summer camping (other SACs use the same format) and don't know what to expect. The information here is quite brief and even somewhat incomplete. Furthermore the Alps bring besides a lot of fun also some dangers of which we wan't you to be updated. Therefore the Alpcie will soon announce an information evening (online). Feel free though to send an email to alpien.ibex@gmail.com